The moment we heard that billionaire child predator Jeffery Epstein was arrested for sex crimes against minors, we jumped out of our shoes with glee. But it wasn’t long before our justice buzz got killed by the bottom feeders managing the case.
Not only is this piece of ranking trash a convicted child molester and registered sexual offender, but there are dozens of victims who have made the abuse they suffered at his hands public. We know about the woman who procured and groomed victims for Epstein, and the monsters who visited his island.
What’s more, we have seen tons of photos and aerial footage of “Pedophile Island” which shows a weird and oddly undersized temple at the top of a hill, and strange doorways and garage openings all around the base of the hill.
Oh, and by the way — the first time this scum bag was convicted, he was given a very liberal work-release provision which allowed him to spend all of his daytime hours as free as a bird. There are people who report seeing him walking the streets of New York freely while he was supposed to be in federal prison.
It was a massive slap in the face of all decent people everywhere.
Now, it appears that professional weasels in Washington are, once again, treating this monster with kid gloves. If Americans don’t speak out, this piece of human trash will get off again.
Here’s Mike Cernovich with more.
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