Every single person in Washington, DC knows that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s disastrous Green New Deal will never see the light of day. In spite of the fact that the proposal doesn’t stand a chance of being signed into law, though, it continues to enjoy the support of many prominent Democrats – particularly those in the radical progressive wing of the party.
So, why is it that so many Democrats are throwing their support behind an absurd proposal that economists agree would tank the US economy?
They claim that fighting climate change is their reason for supporting the Green New Deal. The true agenda behind the Green New Deal, however, is not nearly as cut and dry. Progressive Democrats who support the proposal are not fighting against climate change; they are fighting for a radical takeover of the US economy – one where the government wields far more power over what private corporations are allowed to do.
It’s likely true that the progressive left really does care about preventing climate change. If they are able to create a much more powerful and overbearing federal government in the process, though, then that’s all the better.
Tucker Carlson gets the answers in the video below.

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