What Every Republican Senator Needs to Hear Right Now
Republicans knew that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh was going to be a battle, yet it appeared as if there would little that Democrats could do to keep Kavanaugh off of the Supreme Court. Now that allegations of sexual assault have surfaced, though, Kavanaugh’s confirmation is currently far from guaranteed.
Kavanaugh’s first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is set to testify before the Senate on Thursday. Following her testimony, Republicans in the Senate are going to have to make a very important, difficult choice – believing Ford and voting against Kavanaugh, or believing Kavanaugh and confirming him to the Supreme Court.
Democrats want us to believe that the right choice is obvious and that women should always be believed. Yet this position makes it possible for any woman at any time to sabotage a person’s entire political career with just a single false accusation.
Brett Kavanaugh should be given the same treatment as any other American citizen who has been accused of a crime; he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. Republicans in the Senate must carefully consider Ford’s testimony, avoid caving to political pressure from the left, and make an honest, fair decision based on the evidence available. Anything less is unacceptable.
To hear Liz Wheeler elaborate on this important message for Republican senators, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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